In the context of the industry 4.0 labor market, foreign languages are not only a means of communication but also serve as an important tool of competitive advantages for candidates when finding jobs. With the desire to help young people understand and get useful advice on this issue, the scientific conference “The Competitive Advantage of Foreign Languages in the Industry 4.0 Job Market” was organized at 1:30 pm on March 20, 2023, at Tan Tao University.

The conference brought together many reputable lecturer speakers in the field of foreign languages, coming from leading universities in Vietnam. These speakers have many years of experience in teaching and in-depth research on foreign languages. The speakers are:
- Mr. Nguyen Mai Lam – Vice Provost – TTU
- Dr. Ngo Quang Vinh – Vice Provost – Dong A University
- Dr. Bui Phan Anh Thu – Dean of the Department of Korean Studies – Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
- Dr. Dang Thanh Nhon – Vice Dean of the School of Languages – TTU
- M.A. Nguyen Thu Trang – Lecturer of the School of Foreign Languages, Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry
With their multidimensional perspectives and expertise, the speakers shared valuable information on the importance of using foreign languages in the Industry 4.0 job market as well as introduced effective learning methods to help young people improve their foreign language skills. The conference covered experiences shared by those who have gone through and discovered things themselves, which helps young people identify their future directions.
We believe that the scientific conference “The Competitive Advantage of Foreign Languages in the Industry 4.0 Job Market” brought practical values to all young people who love foreign languages and want to improve themselves.